I sigh not over vanished years, but watch the years that hasten by. William Cullen Bryant

A rose by any other name would smells as sweet. William Shakespeare

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. William Shakespeare


When something happens, that changes everything, what happens next?
Go ahead and laugh; go ahead and cry; go ahead and live.

~Moonlight Mile~

Don't be afraid of death Winnie, be afraid of an unlived life.

Seeing falsely is worse than blindness, and speaking falsely than silence.


~John Ruskin ~

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.


~Arthur Schopenhauer

Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.   - Tolstoy
理想是燈塔。沒有理想,就沒有可靠的方向;而沒有方向,何來人生。- [俄] 托爾斯泰


The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.  - Goethe

人生重要的是要有遠大的目標,並有決心去實踐它。 - [德] 歌德

Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.   -Hegel

擁有有價值的目標,人生才有價值。 - [德] 黑格爾

Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.  - C. Schurz

理想就像是星星 -- 我們永遠搆不著星星,但我們卻像水手一樣,靠星星指引航程。 - [美] 舒爾滋

Where your will is ready, your feet are light.  - G. Herbert
意志堅決時,步伐就輕快。- [英] 赫伯特

Love and desire are the spirit's wings to great deeds.  - Goethe

愛和心願是飛向壯舉的精神雙翼。- [德] 歌德

Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.  - L. Pasteur

意志、工作、和等待是構成成功的金字塔的基石。- [法] 巴斯德

All human wisdom is summed up in two words -- wait and hope.  - A. Dumas

所有人類的智慧歸結為兩個字 -- 等待與希望。- [法] 大仲馬


Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.  - Tagore
信念就如黎明前感受到曙光的鳥。- [印度] 泰戈爾

Who loses faith has no more to lose.  - F. B. Harte
凡失去信念者亦失去了一切。- [美] 哈特

Faith is the first requisite in success.  - E. Hubbart

信念乃成功的先決條件。- [美] 哈伯德

Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands.  - Petrarch

人的命運主要由他的雙手來塑造。- [意] 派德拉克

Diligence is the mother of good fortune.  - Cervantes
勤奮是幸運之母。 - [西] 塞凡提斯


Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.  - W. J. Bryan
命運非機運而是選擇;命運不能靠等待而是靠獲取的。- [美] 布萊恩

It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.  - Mark Twain
浪得虛名不如受之無愧卻未得。- [美] 馬克吐溫

Truth fears no trial.  - T. Fuller

真理不畏考驗。- [英] 富勒

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.  - H. D. Thoreau

和愛情、金錢、名望相比,我寧可要真理。- [美] 梭羅

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.  - Socrates

唯一的善即知識,而唯一的惡即無知。- [希臘] 蘇格拉底

Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.  - D. Grayson
善良是平凡無奇的。它不炫耀,卻給人溫暖。- [美] 格瑞森

Beauty is no use without brains.  - Aesop
美貌卻沒有頭腦是無用的。- [希臘] 伊索

Seize the day.  - Horace
把握時光。- [羅馬] 賀拉斯

One today is worth two tomorrows.  - F. Quarles
一個今天抵得上兩個明天。- [英] 夸爾斯
Time and tide wait for no man.  - E. Fitzgerald
歲月不待人。 - [英] 菲滋傑瑞德
Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a fulltime job.  - A. Stevenson
變化是必然的。須全力以赴才能愈變愈好。- [美] 史蒂文生

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.  - Martin Luther King

無論出自何處的不公對於任何地方的公正都是一種威脅。- [美] 馬丁.路德.金

Give me liberty, or give me death.  - P. Henry
不自由,毋寧死。- [美] 亨利

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.  - Hugo

生命中最極致的幸福是確信有人愛我們。- [法] 雨果

A wise man never loses anything if he has himself.  - Nietzsche

聰明人只要掌握自己就無所失。- [德] 尼釆

Love makes the world go round.  - C. Dickens
愛使得世界運轉。- [英] 狄更斯

Love frees us of all the weight and pain of life.   - Sophocles
愛使得我們得以自人生的一切重負和痛苦中解脫。- [希臘] 索佛克斯


The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.  - B. Russell
美好的人生由愛來激勵,受知識所指導。- [英] 羅素

If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.  - Edison

如果你年輕時沒有學會思考,就可能永遠學不會。- [美] 愛迪生

It generally happens that assurance keeps an even pace with ability.  - S. Johnson

信心和能力通常是齊頭並進的。-[英] 強生

If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground.  - Ibsen
如果你懷疑自己,你的立足點就的確不穩固了。- [挪威] 依邦生

Human pride is human weakness.  - M. B. Eddy

驕傲是人性的弱點。- [美] 艾迪


No matter in what high esteem you are held, always have the courage to say to yourself: "I am always ignorant."  - I. P. Pavlov
無論你多受敬重,永遠要有勇氣對自己說:"我永遠是無知的。"- [俄] 巴伏洛夫

He that thinks too much of his virtues bids others think of his vice.  - W. Hazlitt
念念不忘自己的長處促使人想起他的不是。- [英] 海滋利特

I know no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labor and diligence.  - W. Hogarth

我不知有天才這回事;天才只是勞動和勤奮。- [英] 荷加斯

Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.  - B. Franklin

誠實和勤奮應是你永恆的伴侶。- [美] 富蘭克林


Beauty is but a flower, which wrinkles will devour.  - Thomas Nashe
美貌不過是朵花,皺紋終將吞沒它。- [英] 拿許

To hard workers, time leaves clusters of fruits while to the lazy, time leaves only grey hair and empty hands.  - M. Gorky
對於勤奮者時間留下串串果實,而對於懶人只留下一頭白髮和空空的雙手。- [俄] 高爾基

Our patience will achieve more than our force.  - E. Burke

我們的耐心會比武力成就更多。- [英] 伯克

IPerseverance is more prevailing than violence.  - Plutarch

毅力較蠻力佔上風。- [希臘] 普碌塔克

All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.  - R. H. Stoddard
做任何事要盡力做好;半途而廢則一事無成。- [美] 史塔達

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.  - H. W. Beecher

毅力與固執之差異在於:毅力常源自堅強的意志而固執則源自強烈的否決。- [美] 畢齊

Economy is of itself a great revenue.  - Cicero

節約本身就是一大筆收入。- [羅馬] 西塞羅

Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left.  - John Ray

勤奮乃財富的右手,而節儉為其左手。- [英] 約翰.雷

Waste not, want not.  - M. Edgeworth

不浪費則不匱乏。- [英] 艾奇沃思

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